

AB 540 & 加州梦想法案

2011年加州梦想法案  (立法会条例草案AB 130及AB 131) 无证学生 谁符合某些规定 议会法案AB 540/AB 2000/ SB 68 to apply for and receive 卡尔格兰特s and 加州大学 承诺给予 (CCPG) at community colleges as well as institutional and state aid at California colleges and 大学.


AB 540/AB 2000/SB 68要求

  • Student attended CA high school for three or more years, OR
  • 学生 has completed credits from a CA high school that is equivalent to three or more years of full-time high school coursework and a total of three or more years attendance in CA elementary schools, CA secondary schools, CA adult schools, or a combination 在这些学校中, OR
  • Student completed credits at a CA community college, or a combination of the schools 上面列出的, OR
  • 学生 graduated or will graduate from a California high school or the equivalent by passing the General Education Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), or California High School Proficiency (CHSPE), OR
  • Student have or will have an associate degree from a CA community college, OR
  • 学生 will have or have fulfilled the minimum requirements to transfer from a CA community college to a University of CA or CA State University
  • Student must complete an affidavit stating they have filed (or will file when eligible 这样做是为了获得合法移民身份.


If you need assitance with completing the 加州梦想法案 application, attend one of our 经济援助工作坊 that are held each semester. 了解更多信息 关于讲习班和带什么,请访问 经济援助工作坊 网页.


AB 540 students may be eligible for the following California state aid and services:

  • 加州大学承诺助学金(CCPG): 加州大学 承诺给予 is a program that provides assistance to waive community 学院单位费用.

  • 卡尔格兰特: 卡尔格兰特s are funded 由 state of California to help students pay for college 费用. 卡尔·格兰特奖有三种类型. 卡尔格兰特 A:(仅适用于大学) 卡尔格兰特 B: Students can receive $1,648 一学年. C:学生 who are in a vocational program can receive $1,094 一学年.

  • 有供养子女学生补助金: 卡尔格兰特 students attending a California 社区 College campus who have dependent children may be eligible for an increased access award. 社署补助金增加了 卡尔格兰特 award by up to $6,000 for qualifying 卡尔格兰特 A and B recipients and up 合格的卡尔格兰特 C获得者可获得4000美元.

  • 卡尔格兰特探访寄养青少年奖: increases 卡尔格兰特 A and B students award by up to $6,000 and 卡尔格兰特 C by up to $4,000.

  • 学生成功完成补助金: 的 学生成功完成补助金 is a grant that is given to eligible 卡尔格兰特 B and C students that are enrolled full-time (12 or more units). 学生可以获得 up to $2,596 每学年 if the student is enrolled in 12-14 units each term. Students who are enrolled in 15 units or more each term will be eligible up to $8,000 每学年.

  • 查格兰特: This grant applies to current or former foster youth that were in foster care between 年龄16-18岁,未满26岁. 学生最高可获得5000美元 一学年. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 查批准 页面.

  • 加州梦想法案服务激励拨款计划: This program encourages 加州梦想法案 Applicant (CADAA) students with a Cal Grant A award that met 卡尔格兰特 B eligibility or a 卡尔格兰特 B award to perform community 或者志愿服务. 的 加州学生援助委员会(CSAC) will award up to $4,500 每学年 (up to $2,250 per semester or up to $1,500 per quarter) to 1,667名合资格学生. 的 grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters or up to 12 quarters while they have an active 卡尔格兰特 A or B award. 学生必须 also meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and complete any necessary verification for 他们的卡尔格兰特奖.

  • 扩展机会计划和服务 (bgi), to apply please pick up an application at the bgi的 办公室. 欲了解更多信息,请 呼叫 530-895-2555.

To be eligible for DSIG the student must meet the following general requirements:

  • 必须是Cal奖助金B的接受者
  • 必须选修6个或以上的课程
  • 一定有未满足的需求
  • Must meet federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

If you are interested in this opportunity complete the 加州梦想法案 Service Incentive Grant Program form and return it to the FA 办公室.

了解更多信息 on the Dreamer Service Incentive Grant 点击这里


  1. 提交 非居民学费减免申请表 到巴特大学现金娱乐网注册处 & 记录 办公室 for an AB 540 eligibility determination. If you need assistance with completing the Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request Form, 请联系 布伦达·罗德里格斯 UndocuCenter at rodriguezbr@guidedlighttherapy.com 或致电530-895-2817.
  2. 如果你是 U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民,填妥并递交 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA).
  3. 如果你是 无证noncitizen, or a student who has completed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) process and has been given a Social Security Number, you may be considered for California 国家援助只. 请填妥并提交 加州梦想法案申请,而不是FAFSA.
  4. 加州助学金申请截止日期:学生必须提交FAFSA或 加州梦想法案申请 5月2日. 学生不应同时提交(见上文).
  5. GPA验证表格 -提交给 加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)5月4日 的最后期限.

    *Continuing Butte College students who have completed between 16-24 units will have their GPA Verification automati呼叫y submitted 由 Butte College 金融援助 办公室.

    *High school seniors: GPA Verification form must be submitted by your high school. 去找你的高中辅导员.




SAS 160 Rm. 110



周一至周四上午8:00.m. - 5:00 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1st & 每月第三个星期四:上午8:30.m. - 5:00 p.m.

周一至周四:上午8:30.m. - 6:00 p.m.
星期五:上午8点.m. - 12:00 p.m.


